An Open Apology to my Readers and Myself

I have been a bit absent, as of late.

Well, it’s because I had received an invitation. It was an invitation that any blogger/writer/copywriter loves to receive, and it is to put their skills to good use and earn a regular income.

As y’all may know, I have a full-time job working for a bank, so I have plenty to do and I should really enjoy my time off. But who doesn’t want to earn some extra money on the side to either pay things off early, save for the future, or have some fun? So, I took them up on it.

Unfortunately, instead of working a few hours on the weekend to prepare for the week, I ended up bringing my computer to work so that I could work through my lunches for this website, and follow that up by being on my computer from the time I got home until bed (leave room for a shower, of course).

I was breaking all of the rules, and not in a good way. These were….

Not valuing time with my husband

And I only worked with them for about a week and a half. We didn’t realize what a giant commitment it would be for such little money (some of which, they are refusing to pay right now, regardless of the fact that they published the work and received my invoice). We have been thoroughly enjoying our time together this past week, as we will continue to do for our lazy weekend together.

I was not enjoying what I do

This is a huge deal, considering the fact that this was simply for extra income and was not a necessity. My husband enjoys his business that he runs with his two friends; I was not enjoying this newfound job. And I love to write! I think maybe I have just discovered that I am not willing to tarnish a passion of mine by trying to make money off of it.

It wasn’t about quality, as much quantity

They didn’t need quality posts for others to actually relate to; they needed clickbait-type headlining and niche-hungry verbiage in order to try to gather subscribers and clicks. Well, I like to relate to others and share experiences and invite feedback; so this almost felt wrong. Like I had gone against my moral compass.

And I actually do love copywriting and working for others, but not at the expense of the integrity of writing itself. Recently, I have done business using and it is a must more trustworthy source with a lot of great clients. There is much more transparency, so I won’t make the same mistakes that I did before. And my clients can leave feedback, which I find very valuable. I just really appreciate it.

I would never intentionally blast the company (which is why I won’t mention them by name) that invited me to work for them, but I wouldn’t do it again.


So forgive me for not posting as often this past week; I will be back at it again next week. I’m going to go enjoy laying around with my man. πŸ™‚

5 thoughts on “An Open Apology to my Readers and Myself

  1. Clicking for Cash from Home says:

    Copywriting can be time consuming. Now, if you are interested in learning the nuts & bolts of the copywriting business and how to get clients, I would suggest this book by Bob Bly. I have it and I find it to be a valuable resource for anyone who is serious about being a copywriter. Bob Bly’s Guide to Freelance Writing Success: How to Make $100,000 a Year As a Freelance Writer and Have the Time of Your Life Doing It. P.S. I also get his newsletter & he is on my FB page.


    • beautyboozeandbudgeting says:

      Thank you!! I hate the idea of just trying to crank out subpar material for the sake of posting, you know? I want to at least feel good about it, for myself.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. sojourner sabrina says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this and for recognizing what you were willing to sacrifice for and what you were not. Cool that you tried it out and cool that you realized it was not something you enjoyed doing so why do it. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

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